Essay Contest 2018 Rules and Instructions
WCAF Student Essay Contest 2018:

Eligible entrants: High school and middle school students residing in Mesa County.
Topic question: “What is separation of church and state, and why is it important to maintaining our democracy?”
Deadline for submissions: Midnight, December 15, 2018
Judging: WCAF Judges will have three months to evaluate entries and winners will be announced on or before March 15, 2019.
Award date: WCAF will give the awards to the winning students by March 30, 2018.
Essay Contest Rules:
– Minimum of 700 words
– Maximum of 1,000 words
– One submission per entrant.
– Entries shall be submitted in 16 point Helvetica font or handwritten in clear writing on lined paper.
– Email entries to with subject line “Essay contest submission,” or send entries via U.S. mail to WCAF Student Essay Contest, ℅ WCAF, P.O.Box 1434, Grand Junction, CO 81502.
– Entries must be postmarked or delivered to our Yahoo inbox before midnight on December 15, 2018 to be eligible. No late entries will be accepted.
– No one directly affiliated with WCAF is eligible to enter. Family members of WCAF board members are ineligible to enter.
– All submissions become the property of WCAF and will not be returned.
– Judges will consist of a panel of WCAF board members and volunteers.
– The winning essays will be posted on WCAF’s website and Facebook page, along with the authors’ name and school.
– The award for the top essay by a high school student will be $500.
– The award for the top essay by a middle school student will be $250.
– All awards will be in the form of a check from WCAF.
– Winners must be willing to attend an award ceremony, pose for a photo with their award check and allow WCAF to publish the photos, along with their names. Winners must be willing to read their essays publicly, have their and essays published publicly, and have their wins announced publicly.
– Winning essay authors will be notified on or as close to March 15, 2019 as possible.
– Prizes will be awarded by March 30, 2019.